Bringing order to state symbols and developing a consistent design system for Ukraine


Visual separatism

The Ukrainian government is made up of multiple entities (departments, agencies, services) operating independently. Since each entity has its own visual identity, their communication approaches are often misaligned and inconsistent. Ukraine has 20 ministries with over 50 subordinated central executive bodies.
Consistent visuals
In the current context, as the russian federation is threatening the identity of the Ukrainian nation, openly stating its intention to wipe it out, it is only natural that protecting and reinforcing this identity (by putting a consistent design system in place) should be a top priority for developing and promoting Ukraine’s culture.
It must be stressed that the design is not a goal in itself, but rather a means to an end. The end is to implement a national design system to reduce the distance between the government and citizens and, by doing so, make an honest effort to gain their truest and reinforce the Ukrainian state’s positive image, both domestically and abroad. This strategy forms the foundation of our approach.
The image of the government is about trust and respect, generated over years of diplomatic work. It is commonly known that what’s seen from the outside reflects what’s on the inside. A modern, orderly visual identity reflects a government’s balanced and considerate approach to policy. The government’s identica should combine elements of the past, present, and future. A consistent government identification system means there is no need for each agency to come up with its own solutions. The Dutch government saves 8 million euro annually after having implemented a unified design system.
Some examples of effective government visual identities include those of the UK, the Netherlands. Switzerland, and Germany.
United Kingdom
The Netherlands
Швейцарська символіка пронизує та візуально поєднує між собою національні бренди та компанії у легкій та ненав’язливій манері
The Swiss government’s visual identity harmoniously brings together various national brands and companies
Швейцарська символіка пронизує та візуально поєднує між собою національні бренди та компанії у легкій та ненав’язливій манері
The British government has had a simple and accessible visual identity since 2012
Швейцарська символіка пронизує та візуально поєднує між собою національні бренди та компанії у легкій та ненав’язливій манері
The Dutch government saves 7 million euro annually after having implemented a unified design system.
Швейцарська символіка пронизує та візуально поєднує між собою національні бренди та компанії у легкій та ненав’язливій манері
Germany’s national design system has had a unified stylish look since 1996
United Kingdom
The Netherlands
The Swiss government’s visual identity harmoniously brings together various national brands and companies
The key objective is to strike a fine balance between clear-cut rules and creative freedom.
The rules are centered around a set of colours, the symbol of the trident, and universal fonts. Each entity can use these elements with a high degree of freedom.
We already have a perfect foundation in place:
2935 C
Freedom Blue
112 C
Energizing Yellow
The trident
A perfect graphic symbol
Ukrainian fonts currently used by government entities
Freedom Blue
Energizing Yellow
Ідеальний графічний символ
There is no need to pretend. Let us be ourselves. But strive to be a better version of ourselves!
One of the coolest national symbols in the world (from a design perspective) is the Swiss Cross. This comes as no surprise, since Switzerland gave the world the modular design system, the commonly used Helvetica font, striking banknotes, an influential school of poster design and typography. A country that gave birth to a whole collection of star-level graphic designers could not afford to have a poor national symbol. The Swiss Cross has perfectly symmetrical sides, is well defined and noticeable both when large and small. It is an example of balance.
The trident, however, holds a major advantage! Unlike the Swiss Cross, it remains distinct and recognisable even in monochrome!
The trident, just like the cross, transcends time with its brutal simplicity and laconic graphics. Its sharp geometry helps it stand out against many other national emblems.
The trident is also one of the most recognisable symbols of civilisation.
In addition, the trident is so simple it can easily be shown with the fingers of a single hand. It may be the only coat of arms in the world that allows for this!
1991 AFP Photo by Anatoly Sapronyenkov
Goals and Objectives
We, the Ministry of Design team, are bringing together a multi-disciplinary team of the country’s best experts. We will hold public discussions and jointly create a design system that will honourably represent the interests of the whole of Ukraine.
The previously fragmented visuals of government entities will now fall into an orderly visual identity. The new design system will offer significant advantages, both domestically and internationally.
Our working group suggests that the government’s design, the visual aspect of communication, should be based on the historic Ukrainian and contemporary European context:
Estonia – a country with a Soviet past, but a thriving European state today;
The UK – with experience of being an EU member and developing independently;
Switzerland – a country at the heart of Europe, sticking to its identity through centuries of history.
Exchanging experiences with Swiss designers, representatives of, perhaps, the best design school in the world that gave us the International Typographic Style, will be invaluable to our project. We have also engaged a team of designers from Estonia who developed and implemented the visual identity of their nation’s brand. We are integrating the participatory practices they used when working on their project.
The key goals we want to achieve
- Develop a consistent design system for the Ukrainian State
- Contribute to Ukrainians’ increased trust in government entities
- Support the positive change of Ukraine’s international image
- Showcase effective change and reform in Ukraine
- Develop algorithms for participatory engagement between the professional design community, government entities, and civil society
The output we want to produce is on online design manual with links to download templates and mock-up generators

State visual identity

- The trident (the coat of arms, the shield)
- The flag
- The colours
- The hand gesture
- Emoji
- Unacceptable uses of state symbols

Universal templates

- Signboards
- Business cards
- Document templates
- Banners
- Posters


- Display typefaces
- For texts
- For navigation
- For the web
- For print


- Design system
- UX guidelines
Державна символіка
- Тризуб (герб, щит)
- Прапор
- Кольори
- Жест рукою
- Емодзі
- Неприпустиме використання держсимволів
Універсальні шаблони
- Таблички
- Візитівки
- Бланки документів
- Банери
- Постери
- Акциденція
- Для текстів
- Навігаційні
- Для вебу
- Для поліграфії
- Дизайн–система
- Рекомендації щодо UX
Ukrainian Digital Design United
Stanislav Tykhonko
Міністр дизайну
Founder and CEO, Supernova Consultancy Previously worked with Telegram, Nova Post, Yakaboo
Mykyta Hrach
Міністр дизайну
Co-Founder and CEO, Webmil Web-Production. Co-Founder, Design Village Festival
Oleksandr Kolodko
Міністр дизайну
Co-Founder, Agents of Change and ARC Wayfinding Systems
Yaroslav Belinskyi
Міністр дизайну
President, Design4Ukraine Association
Anton Zaichenko
Міністр дизайну
Graphical Designer. Expert on Logos, Visual Identities, and Branding
Serhii Bilyi
Міністр дизайну
Dnipro’s leading artist. Initiator and co-author of the City Design Code
Dmytro Bulanov
Міністр дизайну
Founder and Art Director, Bulanov büro
Oleh Bilyi
Міністр дизайну
Founder and Creative Director, White Studio Design
Stanislav Tykhonko
Міністр дизайну
Founder and CEO, Supernova Consultancy Previously worked with Telegram, Nova Post, Yakaboo
Mykyta Hrach
Міністр дизайну
Co-Founder and CEO, Webmil Web-Production. Co-Founder, Design Village Festival
Oleksandr Kolodko
Міністр дизайну
Co-Founder, Agents of Change and ARC Wayfinding Systems
Yaroslav Belinskyi
Міністр дизайну
President, Design4Ukraine Association
Anton Zaichenko
Міністр дизайну
Graphical Designer. Expert on Logos, Visual Identities, and Branding
Serhii Bilyi
Міністр дизайну
Dnipro’s leading artist. Initiator and co-author of the City Design Code
Dmytro Bulanov
Міністр дизайну
Founder and Art Director, Bulanov büro
Oleh Bilyi
Міністр дизайну
Founder and Creative Director, White Studio Design
Що нам потрібно для досягнення своїх цілей
Політична (воля) підтримка та зацікавленість уряду
Менеджмент у впровадженні дизайн–системи
Міністерство дизайну
We Design Ukraine!
Ukrainian identity collection